Online Banking Security Safeguards


Adams Community Bank is committed to helping to ensure the safety of your financial identity, your financial assets and your personal information. The information that follows is a collection of practices that if followed will help to ensure your safety. Note however, that these security practices are not all inclusive and foolproof from preventing theft. NOTE: Important additional considerations for business customers are noted separately below.

BUSINESS CUSTOMERS: (In addition to the above)

Business Banking Security and Best Practices protecting your business’s financial assets is a top priority at Adams Community Bank but we cannot do it alone. Just as you protect your business’s physical location from intruders by activating a burglar alarm at closing time, your business’s computers must be protected from cyber thieves attempting to exploit weaknesses in your computer network. Please be aware that FDIC Insurance or Regulation E (the Electronic Funds Transfer Act) does not cover fraud losses for business customers. Adams Community Bank recommends that all business owners discuss online fraud protection with their insurance carriers to ensure they are adequately protected in the event of a loss. Harden your computer against cyber-attacks. Computers that are not appropriately protected can become an open gateway for cyber criminals to access your online account or perform malicious activity. Unfortunately, antivirus products alone are not enough to protect you from malware that can give cyber criminals control of your computers.

Adams Community Bank provides online business banking to its business customers to add convenience for conducting financial transactions, but we cannot assume liability for fraud on business accounts as a result of malware and system vulnerabilities on our customers’ information technology systems. Our business customers must ensure that adequate security controls are in place on their information technology systems before accessing online banking to minimize risk. Business customers are contractually obligated to maintain the security of their computers and must monitor their accounts proactively and frequently. This means that you will be responsible for any fraudulent financial activity on your account if your business’s computers or accounts are compromised. Business customers who use their information technology systems to house proprietary, financial or personnel information should employ an Information Security professional periodically to conduct a thorough review of their systems and security controls.

Revised: 02/04/2022