Where Is Adams Community Bank Located?
What Hours Is Adams Community Bank Open?
What Is Adams Community Bank’s Routing Number?
How Are My Deposits Insured?
How Do I Open an Adams Community Bank Account?
How Do I Change My Address?
What Is Adams Community Bank’s Holiday Schedule?
Does The Bank Offer A Notary Public Service, And If So,
What Is The Fee?
What Information Does the Bank Need From Me For Incoming And Outgoing Wires?
What Does EFT Mean?
What Does POS Mean?
What Does ACH Mean?
What Are eStatements?
How Do I Get Access To Online Banking?
How Much Does Online Banking And Bill Pay Cost?
Can I Payoff Or Pay Down My Loans Through Online Banking?
What is the Telephone Banking Phone Number?
How do I Get access to Telephone Banking?
What is Mobile Banking?
How Do I Order Or Re-Order Checks?
How Do I Add Another Person As A Signer On My Account?
How Do I Place A Stop Payment?
When Can I Withdraw Money From My Account After
Making A Check Deposit?
Is There A Chance That My Check Could Be Returned After My Deposit Is Available For Withdrawal?
How Can I Obtain An Additional Copy Of A Statement?
How Do I Activate My Debit Card?
Is There A Limit On My Debit Card Or ATM Card, And If So,
What Is It And Can It Be Changed?
What Do I Do If I Lose My Debit Card?
What Information Do I Need To Set Up My Direct Deposit?
What will happen to my Maturing CD if I do not contact
the Bank within the 15-day Grace Period?
What is a traditional IRA?
What is a Roth IRA?
What information do I need to bring with my Auto or
Personal Loan Application?
What information do I need to submit with my mortgage application?
What information do I need to Bring with my Home Equity
Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit Application?
Fixed Vs. ARM: Which Is Best for me?
How Do I Pre-Qualify for a Mortgage?

We will review your income, assets, and credit information and then be able to tell you what you can afford.

Can I lock my interest rate at the time of Application?
In order to obtain my mortgage, do you require any tests
on the property?
Can I use my own attorney?
What are closing costs?
What other costs may be included in my monthly bill
besides the principal and interest?
How can I obtain a copy of my Credit report?
What is the difference between Fixed and Adjustable-rate mortgages?
What Does APR Mean?
What is private mortgage insurance?
What is a loan estimate?
What are ‘Caps?’
Can I obtain PMI myself?
What does ‘Escrow’ mean?
How Can I make my payments?
Will I receive a monthly statement for my mortgage,
or will I use a coupon booklet?
What is title insurance, and How does it work?
How do I know if an adjustable-rate mortgage is right
for me?
What is a Point, and is it worth it to pay a point to lower
my interest rate?
What can I expect to pay for closing costs at Adams
Community Bank?
if applicable, when will I see an adjustment to my escrow?

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*24 hours includes Monday-Friday during normal business hours AND does not include Saturdays, Sundays, or Bank Holidays.